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Released May 25, 2004

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Greenville, SC
CONTACT: Rick Ingram & Mike Chatman

Rick Ingram:
(800) 366-4708 or 458-8059
Mike Chatman:

Second Annual Golf Tournament
supports local scholarship

Simpsonville, SC: The Robert Anderson Golf Tournament was held at the Carolina Springs Golf Course on May 22, 2004. Twenty-four players competed in the Second annual tournament to support the Luke H. Chatman Scholarship, a $3000 award given to local high school student. The event help raise nearly $1000 towards that scholarship.

This year's winner was Roger Burton with a score of (76, +4) and the first place winners in Flight A and Flight B were Ray Hinkle (81, +9) and Willie Davis (84, +12). Second place winners were J. Dillard (Flight A, 81, +9), and William Hennigan (Flight B, 88, +16).

The event is part of a larger effort to fund the chapter's local scholarship along with the MLK Memorial Banquet held in January.

Several sponsors lent their assistance with the event, including the following vendors:

Universal Church Supplies & Services
(864) 233-8055

Art Connection "Black Art Gallery"
(864) 242-0042

The Elite Force Motorcycle Club
(864) 907-6216

Ford Motor Credit
Don Weston

The Freedom Call
Jemmott Duncan

The following people were supporters of
this year's tournament:

Ricky R. Ingram & Family

Mike Chatman & Family

Robert W. Anderson, III & Family

Al & Frances Gray

Bobby & Jennifer Clark

Jimmy DuRante & Family

Cornell Sweeney


Bros. Rich Haggins and Mike Chatman signing up for the tournament.

A view from the Event's tent
at Carolina Springs.

Prizes were donated by various brothers & vendors

Several GGL Brothers who volunteered to help for the event

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